marți, 1 noiembrie 2016

joi, 25 septembrie 2014

What are the symptoms of heart attack

Not every heart attack begins with a sudden pain as fulminant and often appears on television and movies. Symptoms and signs of a heart attack warning are not the same for everyone.

Many heart attacks are slowly with moderate pain or discomfort. Some people have no symptoms, in what is called silent heart attack.

Symptoms of pain or discomfort in the chest during a heart attack

The most common symptoms of heart attack are pain or discomfort in the chest. Most heart attacks have symptoms like discomfort in the chest that lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and returns. The discomfort can feel like pain, pressure or tightness. The discomfort may be tempered or person may have severe pain. A heart attack pain can sometimes look like heartburn or indigestion.

Symptoms of angina may be similar to stroke. Angina is chest pain that occurs in people with coronary artery disease, usually when they are active. The pain of angina usually lasts only a few minutes and goes away with rest. Angina that does not go away, or occurs at rest, may be the first sign of heart attack and a doctor should be called immediately.

Other signs and symptoms of heart attack

Other possible signs and symptoms of heart attack include:
* Discomfort in the upper body, as in one or both arms, neck, jaw, or stomach.
Shortness of breath may occur with or before chest discomfort him.
* Nausea, vomiting, dizziness and cold sweat.

Not everyone who has experienced the typical heart attack symptoms. People who have already had a heart attack can have another with different symptoms. The more signs and symptoms a person has, the more likely it be suffering a heart attack.

Seek help quickly in case of heart attack symptoms

If you think you or someone close is having a heart attack, call an ambulance immediately and call your doctor.

4 symptoms you will experience before a heart attack

You pay attention to the signals your body gives? If you ate something that did harm to your stomach, you'll know, right? If a cold is coming, you also know, will feel a little sore, tired, stuffy nose and so on. But what about when the subject is a little more serious? If one day you come to have a heart attack? How to tell?

Researchers from Duke University, USA, claim that it is common for heart attacks have not recognized their symptoms, especially when we speak of "silent attack" - or myocardial infarction - which has a high risk of death. And when it comes to surviving a heart attack, there is a strong relation with the time it takes to rescue the victim.
serious problem

In the USA alone, it is estimated that 200 000 people suffer heart attacks each year without even realizing it. This silent type of attack corresponds to 25% of all heart attacks, ie: it is really a serious health problem. The good news is that the cardiologist Dr. Chauncey Crandall has prepared some tips to get you, if it were to go through it one day, be able to recognize the signs and get help in time.

Dr. Crandall explains that the human body sends warnings about this kind of attack days, weeks and even months before the episode actually happen. The problem is that these signs are vague, silent and may even be completely painless; many people do not realize that they are related to the heart.

According to the cardiologist, we must remain alert to the presence of four specific signs - and they have nothing to do with what you usually see in movies when someone puts his hand on his chest, passes out and falls to the ground; although this type of attack exists, it is less common. Dr. Crandall says the difference between a heart attack and cerebrovascular accident (CVA), popularly known as stroke, is which artery is blocked: that irrigates the brain or that irrigates the heart. Therefore, it is necessary that you pay attention to the following symptoms:

     Chest pain: Of course you've been waiting for this, after all, is the most common symptom for heart attack. It is important, however, you know that there are two major types of chest pain: the first is that you feel in your whole body; the second, which occurs only in the left and central regions, and can go left arm. This pain can occur in different ways: come and go several times, with brief pain; more pain and longer intervals. The discomfort, more or less intense, will exist in any way.
     Shortness of breath: Even if you have chest pain, shortness of breath can be a strong predictor of heart attack. A study in England indicates that, among people who have suffered heart attacks, three in five had shortness of breath - which includes patients who did not have any chest pain. The lack of air can appear before or during a heart attack. In the presence of this symptom, be sure to seek medical attention.
     Indigestion or heartburn: That's right, these two things may indicate that the patient is suffering a heart attack. This is possible because our body does not always feel the pain directly. The nerve cells of the stomach are located near the heart, which causes those two cases - heartburn and stroke - can be reversed.
     Nausea and vomiting: These two characteristics are often classified as atypical when it comes to heart attack, but Dr. Crandall explains that already noticed the occurrence of these symptoms in many patients. It is important to understand that in this case, along with other signals occur almost never alone. Of course you must always be aware before entering into despair. When in doubt, consult your doctor and seek to know how's your heart.

Heart Attack in womens

Heart Attack in women is a major cardiac event, since there is manifested by the typical chest pain and malaise.

Thus, women with a family history of heart disease should have regular consultations on general practitioner or cardiologist in order to evade these problems.
Symptoms of Heart Attack in women

The main symptoms of Heart Attack in women are:

     Strong indigestion, as if he had something in his throat;
     Pain in the jaw;
     Severe back pain;
     Difficulty breathing.

These symptoms may occur without any physical exertion or emotional trauma, being at rest and quiet.
Causes of silent infarction in women

The causes of Heart Attack in women include:

     Sedentary lifestyle;
     Consumption of high fat or sugary foods;
     Remain under constant stress;
     Taking the contraceptive pill;
     Have complications in pregnancy, such as preeclampsia, for example.

Women with these causes have six times greater risk of developing silent infarction, however, all women should do at least one query in cardiologist per year after menopause.
What do the Heart Attack in women

What should be done in case of Heart Attack in women?  The victim stay calm and immediately call an ambulance as soon as possible, because the infarct can kill in less than five minutes.

Home remedy for acute Heart Attack

Royal jelly is a great home remedy to help prevent acute Heart Attack. This is because it improves the elasticity of blood vessels.

     1 liter of honey bees
     20 g of royal jelly


Dilute 20g of pure royal jelly in 1 liter of honey bees and take four tablespoons per day, to sweeten juices, milk or yogurt, for example.

Royal jelly is capable of maintaining the elasticity of blood vessel walls, making them more resistant, being a great help in the prevention of  Heart Attack.

However, its consumption does not preclude the need for other care, how to reduce fat intake, especially of animal origin and fried foods, dairy products, coffee or chocolate; do moderate exercises that stimulate sweating and especially combat stress; and if it is smoker quit smoking.